Immersive • Interactive •Effective
What if You could FINALLY Break Free from Sex Addiction?
STOP and STAY STOPPED! Enjoy life Without Shame!
Freedom from Pornography, Prostitutes, Anonymous Sex, and Infidelity
Get the Step by Step System
used by
The #1 Sex Addiction Treatment Facility in USA
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Pre Program Course
The 9 Week E-Hab
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Your Accordion Heading Goes Here
The 8 Week Sex Addiction Recovery Intensive

An end-to-end, turn key, proven system that slowly but surely helps you develop the tools needed to stay sober from acting out on sex addiction.
Intro Course
Our 8 Week Sex Addiction Recovery E-Hab Intensive will help you to:
Stop acting out compulsively with sex.
Porn. Escorts. Compulsive dating. Stop and STAY stopped. You will be given the entire set of tools needed to take advantage of a full life in recovery.
Put an end to Toxic Shame
Those well worn, paths leading to shame can now be replaced with a new, single, and clear path forward. You will have new patterns of behavior and thinking that bring you those wonderful new things which are your birthright, like the following.
Experience Fulfilling And Meaningful Sex
Wake up with that person that you love, after a night of WONDERFUL (maybe even crazy) fulfilling sex!
Reclaim healthy Self Esteem
Be able to look people in the eye, and feel comfortable in your own skin, knowing that you have worked through the single greatest obstacle one could face.
Help others who are suffering with sex addiction
Who better to help others get through the hell of sex addiction than one who has been through that fire themselves, and come out better for it.
Become more compassionate with yourself and others
Realize that you are worthy of love, joy, respect, dignity, and can extend these things to other people.
Courage To Conquer ANYTHING
Our credits transfer, to this university that we call life! Rigorous self examination, and honesty with self will give you a rock solid foundation to face life on life's terms.
Sex Addiction Recovery E-Hab is an online course that gives you the tools and proven system you need to create a lasting (and nearly effortless) relationship to sex.
Before getting into this program you will be given an in depth education on what sex addiction is and how it manifests, by a master in the field of sex addiction.
Over the course of 9 action packed weeks, and easy to follow modules we will lay out for you the exact method for recovery, pioneered by Patrick Carnes, and used at the most prestigious and successful sex addiction rehabilitation centers in the world.
The cost to have the exact same 10 modules given to you in a treatment center over the course of 45 days is $45,000

See What Our Clients Are Saying...
Keith M - Professional Athlete
Chicago, Il
"They give you the recipe, ingredients, and bake the cake with you over and over again until you get it. I can now bake my own recovery cake. I have my life back. It takes practice: falling down, getting up, and re-applying the tools with a experiential knowledge. The system helped me develop "smart feet", that keep me in recovery."
Javier L - Attorney
Miami, Fl
"These guys saved my marriage, carrier, but most importantly they saved my life. Not only are they masters in the field of sex addiction, they seem to intuitively know what challenges the client faces and communicates what to do, in a no nonsence fashion. Brutally honest, I love this about them. Run, don't walk!"
Giovanni B - Sales Consultant
New York, NY
"I entered into Charlene's group not knowing if it would help. I felt I had tried everything, and NOTHING was working. I am amazed at what I have learned about myself, my addiction, and the new strategies that I can use to stay sober. Shame and powerlessness have given way to a new way of living, with dignity and true intimacy. A big thank you to both of them just doesn’t cover it.

Recover From Home
The world's FIRST Remote Recovery Program! Learn to use the tools needed to maintain recovery from the comfort of your own home.

Dr. Patrick Carnes
Program created by Sex Addiction pioneer Patrick Carnes, whose facilities treat the "who's who" in sex addiction.
Certified Sex Therapists and Sex Addiction Therapists
Recovery is fragile in the beginning. Why settle for anything less than certified experts in the field of sex and sex addiction?

The Return 2 Intimacy Story
Co-Founders Charlene and Joshua Lewis
Experience - Strength - Hope

Charlene Lewis
Co-Founder Return 2 Intimacy
Hi I am Charlene Lewis - a Sex Addiction therapist with over 15 years of clinical experience treating addiction. I also have over 15 years of real world, personal experience in sobriety.
Joshua Lewis
Co-Founder: Return 2 Intimacy
Hi I am Joshua Lewis - a recovery coach with over 17 years of real life experience in sobriety from alcohol, substances, compulsive work, and sex addiction. My life's mission is to help others suffering from sex addiction.

Is lasting sobriety possible?
A resounding HELL YES! If anyone tells you otherwise, they are lying or tremendously misinformed. It IS very simple, but does not feel EASY or intuitive in the beginning. It is like learning to ride a bike. In the beginning we often fall off and get some bumps and bruises, but sooner than later, one day at a time we get cruisin'!
The 5 False Beliefs That Made Recovery IMPOSSIBLE!
#1: Sex addiction does not exist!
(Only people who get caught cheating use it as an excuse for bad behavior)
The most commonly used definition for addiction is "compulsive use despite adverse consequences." If you cannot STAY STOPPED AND prevent negative consequences you are likely a sex addict! If you could have stopped, you likely would have already! Staying stopped is pretty self explanatory. Adverse consequences can be "big" or "small," however they are exactly what they are. Examples:
- Getting arrested.
- Contracting a disease.
- Physical harm.
- Getting caught by spouse.
- Losing a job.
- Failed relationships or divorce.
- Feeling anxious and shame ridden.
- Losing large amounts of time.
- Losing large amounts of money.
- Losing friendships, and or a social life.
- Feeling completely isolated.
- Having to medicate feeling of shame with alcohol or drugs.
- ...and many, many more!
#2: I can fix this problem myself!
How has that worked out for you so far? Trying to fix the problem (thinking;/behavior) with the problem (a brain that rationalizes, minimizes, forgets the harm and emotional pain experience when acting out), had me chasing my tail a very, very long time!
I had to ask myself: "Do I have more time or pain to spare?"
We at are here for you when you are "sick and tired of feeling sick and tired!"
Trying to "fix" this problem alone is something that I personally wish I would not have been so brazenly stubborn to try.
Most sex addicts experience this as a hopelessly futile, and exhausting road to go down. I get it! I don't like asking for help finding something at Walmart, even though I would surely get my needs met much more quickly doing so.
Simple question: do you want to be "right" or do you want to be happy?
#3: "I just like sex a lot, but wouldn't qualify as a sex addict per se!"
Of course there is nothing wrong with a rich, wonderful, enjoyable sex life! Is that what you are experiencing though? Have you taken a SEX ADDICTION SCREENING TEST? Answering HONESTLY in the affirmative to more than 13 questions indicates that you are likely one of many millions of sex addicts.
#4: "I believe that I am a sex addict, but it is not that bad."
You can address it when it gets worse? Really? Yes the elevator might be going down, but you can get off at any time you like! Why not get out now? Some say that the first step to getting yourself out of a hole is to stop digging! It could be argued that there is a step before that: knowing that you are in a hole in the first place. Will you have the opportunity to stop before unintended consequences surely come about?
#5: You believe that it's beyond your control and blame outside factors.
"Everyone is a sex addict! Sex is everywhere! Everyone is looking at porn or got something on the side? It is a part of our culture and there is no way to avoid it." The essence of this argument is that the problem is "out there" somewhere and certainly not right here in the mirror. Either you are a sex addict or you are not. Either you are destined to suffer in silence as a victim, or you can actually participate in a solution. The good news is that YOU are the only one who can determine whether or not you associate with the term "sex addict" as defined above. It is no one else's business but your own. Only YOU can address it. You would not be the first, nor the last.